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Give to our scholarship fund

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Give to our scholarship fund

Support our Youth!

The mission of the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center is to enhance the quality of life and inspire our communities through visual and performing arts, education, and advocacy. Thanks to many corporate sponsors throughout the years, we have been able to grant scholarships and allow classes, camps, workshops, and other activities, to be accessible for all of our young students.

What are scholarships? Scholarships are moneys set aside from donations specifically for our youth programs. Our scholarships allow the youth in our communities to experience High Altitude Creativity, regardless of their ability to pay.

How do scholarships work? Families needing help with the cost of our youth programs can apply for scholarships. The applications are reviewed and, based on the qualifications, students are granted partial or full scholarships in order to participate in a program.

How will my donation help? With the addition of the new Art Garage, we are able to offer many more classes for students. In order to continue to make these classes accessible for all of our community's youth, we are working toward a sustainable scholarship program that will allow us to grant scholarships to qualifying families indefinitely.

We appreciate your donation to this important fund. Thank you for making a difference in the lives, education, and future or our community youth!

More questions? Feel free to contact us!